Field NameField Notes
Certificate Chain (JSON) Array of Base64 encoded JSON Web Token certificates to authenticate the player.The last certificate in the chain will have a property 'extraData' that contains player identity information including the XBL XUID (if the player was signed into XBL at the time of the connection).
Raw Token Base64 encoded JSON Web Token that contains other relevant client properties.
Properties Include:
'AnimatedImageData = Array of:'
'-- Type'
'-- Image'
'-- ImageWidth'
'-- ImageHeight'
'-- Frames'
'-- AnimationExpression'
'PersonaPieces = Array of:'
'-- PackId'
'-- PieceId'
'-- IsDefault'
'-- PieceType'
'-- ProuctId'
'PieceTintColors = Array of:'
'-- PieceType'
'-- Colors = Array of color hexstrings'
'DefaultInputMode' = (see enumeration: InputMode)
'CurrentInputMode' = (see enumeration: InputMode)
'DeviceOS' = (see enumeration: BuildPlatform)